Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is an extra layer of security for your account.
It works by asking you to enter a unique one-time pin code every time you sign-in to your Cape Crypto account.
check_circleSetting up 2FA takes only a couple of minutes, but it is well worth the extra effort. It substantially increases the security of your account.
Setting up Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
From the menu select Profile, and then press Two Factor Authentication (2FA). Follow the instructions to download and setup 2FA using Google Authenticator (alternatively you can use Authy)
- Download and open the Authenticator app on your mobile device
- Click "add new account" (or the plus sign) in your app
- From your Authenticator app, scan the QR code that is shown on the Cape Crypto Two Factor Authentication (2FA) page on Step 2.
- Google Authenticator should now have automatically created an account for you, and shows a 6 digit pin number. This pin number will refresh every 30 seconds.
- Copy the pin number and paste it into the textfield on Step 3 of the Cape Crypto Two Factor Authentication (2FA) page, and press Finish.
Congratulations! Two Factor Authentication is now turned on, and your account's security has been greatly improved.
Read up on some good security practices and staying vigilant against scams
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