If you’re completely new to trading in general, you may be wondering: “what are crypto charts?” There are many types of price charts out there, but they’re all essentially graphic displays of current prices, trading volumes, and the overall momentum of the market. Cryptocurrency traders use these charts to help determine when to buy, when to sell, and when to HODL. That is why it is important to learn how to read crypto charts.
Order Book
When a trader wishes to make a trade, they first create an order. An order to buy is called a bid and an order to sell is called an ask. The order book is a record of all open orders available on the exchange – the orders placed by traders to buy or sell Bitcoin - these are the offer prices with which traders are looking to make their trades at. Order remain open until closed by the trader themselves (they remove their offer), or a matching trader places a taker order - and executes the trade. Once the trade is executed, it no longer appears in the Order book, it now appears in the Recent Trades section
Recent Trades
Here we provide the time, price, and amount of every order that has been filled (traded). You can toggle between seeing all trades on the exchange, or only yours.
Open Orders
Here we provide the date, price, amount and counter value of all the orders you have placed that have not yet been filled or are partially filled. Partially filled orders are order that have only had a portion of their total offer amount executed by a matching trader.
This is where you place your orders. You can choose between a market order or limit order offer type, enter the price at which you would like to purchase Bitcoin and the amount you would like to purchase.
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